We are proud to make the Lake Superior Railroad Museum available to large group events and educational programs. From corporate retreats or weddings, to class trips or boyscout merit badges, the Railroad Museum has options that fit your needs.
The following five programs are examples of items we can emphasize for your educational group. These programs are present by LSRM Education staff, and are a great way to focus your group's visit. All programs highlight our exhibits and can be adapted to meet your specific needs.
The William Crooks and the Mallet are highlighted as students explore the basics of historical steam powered locomotives. Students climb aboard the Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific caboose to learn about life on the "Crummy" and some of the jobs aboard the train.
Adaptable to all grade levels
Students explore the Dining Car China Exhibit, the Railway Post Office and a number of freight cars to learn how railroads of the past served as both passenger and freight transportation.
Adaptable to all grade levels.
Students examine the equipment used to maintain the railroads, including hand propelled pump cars, track tools, a hyrail inspection car and a steam powered wrecker. Students climb aboard both rotary and wedge snowplows and watch videos of snowplows in action!
Adaptable to all grade levels.
The William Crooks, the Milwaukee Road Electric and the SOO Line No. 2500 are highlighted as students follow the evolution of railroading and explore the ways different types of locomotives work.
Recommended for grades 3 and up.
Students learn about railroad equipment that was used primarily in Duluth and on the Iron Range. They'll get to know the Minnetonka and the 7-Spot, and go back in time as they explore the Mallet and some of the storefronts in Depot Square.