Program Overview
The Massage Therapist program offers a well-rounded curriculum that blends knowledge of therapeutic massage with the knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. The program focuses on practical experience offered in a fully equipped clinical setting and introduces a variety of specialized modalities, including Swedish massage, sports massage, shiatsu, neuromuscular techniques, and massage for special needs populations. The program also includes the business skills necessary for the student to enter the field as an independent practitioner. The program is designed for the student with little or no prior experience.
Course Outline
- Career Success Strategies
- Introduction to Massage Therapy
- Medical Terminology Essentials
- Anatomy & Physiology I
- Ethics for Massage Therapy
- Swedish Massage I
- Anatomy & Physiology II
- Myology I
- Pathology for Massage Therapists
- Swedish Massage II
- Massage Modalities
- Sports Massage

- Kinesiology
- Myology II
- Nutrition and Safety
- Neurologic Techniques in Massage Therapy
- Massage Therapy Clinic I
- Massage Therapy Clinic II
- Modalities for Special Needs Clients
- Shiatsu
- Massage Business Practices/Career Dev.
- Massage Therapy Certification Review
- Massage Therapy Clinic III
- Massage Therapy Clinic IV
Certification Opportunities
The Massage Therapist program is designed to prepare the student for the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx). Passing this exam is part of the requirements for licensure and employment in Pennsylvania. Applicants to the Massage Therapist program who wish to relocate are encouraged to research out-of-state licensure requirements prior to enrolling. Students who wish to apply for licensure in New York and other states may require additional coursework.
Iadeluca Chiropractic Center
We look to Great Lakes to provide us with skilled Massage Therapy graduates.
Professional Massage Therapy and Reflexology
Great Lakes is a great place to start your career as a massage therapist. I did!
Great Lakes gave me a start in massage therapy, but it's not the means to an end. If you put your mind to it, you can do it!
Upon graduation, Great Lakes students possess the necessary tools to be true professionals in their field.