For those who don't wish to have a new vehicle, they can again this year opt for a cash prize of $15, 000.
Local school representatives listen to the details of Educar 2013
The morning presentation afforded a chance for several districts to express their appreciation for the Educar program that allows local schools to collect a $5 donation that goes directly and in its entirety to the school and gives the donor a ticket for the Educar grand prize. Pymatuning Valley schools presented an extra large signed "thank you" card. Sr. Maureen Burke SND of Sts. John & Paul schools in Ashtabula lauded the program which helped them raise over $20, 000 last year and will help them this year as they move to their new Saybrook facility and return to the St. John School moniker that owner and alumus John Rocco remembers.

Autocross @ Great Lakes Downs Muskegon 5/13/07

GTG of the Great Lakes Gauge 1 group 2014 part 2