This two sided Large Print Lake Fishing chart details major grass flats and marsh areas and pinpoints dozens of specific areas with GPS coordinates for the major species caught in the area - Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Crappie. Bedding fish and schooling fish areas are also shown on this c...
Complete coverage of Lake St. Clair on side "A" with detailed insets of the Detroit River entrance and the entrance to the Clinton River. Side" B" has complete coverage of the St. Clair River north to Lake Huron with a detailed inset of Port Huron. Nautical information derived fr...
Complete coverage of Lake Ponchartrain and Lake Maurepas, through Chef Menteur Pass and the Intracoastal Waterway to the Rigolets and Lake Borgne. Includes Mississippi Sound and the Ship Island Area. Details for Gulfport and the Rigolets as well as the Inner Har...

Covering the area from Lake Harney to the end of Lake George. This chart details all the major grass flats, marshes, and kayak trails. The chart pinpoints dozens of specific areas and the best seasons to catch the major species of fish: Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, Crappie, Bream...

Newell Eddy Shipwreck, near Spectacle Reef, lake Huron ...

Philadelphia and Albany shipwrecks in lake huron

Joseph S. Fay Shipwreck, Lake Huron, Michigan